Brenda McAuliffe

Linda Henderson
Linda Henderson and Brenda McAuliffe are experienced BACP accredited Counsellors / Psychotherapists. They are in private practice in Blackheath and are currently working 5 days a week. They both have founded their practice on a Jungian model, working with symbols, dreams, metaphors and images, but as integrative counsellors they are trained to work with the client’s preference for modality and pace – which may include CBT, Gestalt and other models that bring an empathic working relationship with the client.
The Value of the knowledge of yoga and meditation in healing the whole self
The awareness of the need for the client to feel grounded and centred in themselves to grow and develop their full potentiality comes not just from our counselling training, which is extensive, but from our daily experience of meditation and yoga practice we believe the need for our client to feel self-compassion, self-acceptance is paramount to the healing process. The core aim in our counselling practice is to work with compassion and kindness and help our clients extend that loving kindness towards themselves.
The awareness of the mind-body unity is essential for a heathy life. Learning to respect our instinctual nature and its essential needs creates a healthier life style. If we ignore our ‘gut feelings’ our intuition and insight, we can too often lose our way in people pleasing where we lose touch with our Real Self.
As therapists we aim to help our client trust their own instincts and listen to their feelings. We lose our way when we don’t trust that we have within us, encoded in every cell of our body, in our heart and mind, all we need to live a meaningful and happy life.
If we can just stop and quieten our mind, perhaps with breath awareness or meditation just for a few minutes we can return to that quiet Self where there is no fear, but a place of peace. If desired we can offer such a quiet moment in a session. Discovering your original creative Self, without comparison and reference to others can be a wonderful source of liberation. As Holistic Counsellors it’s our privilege to help you in your journey towards wholeness with clarity and compassion.